Protégeons MÉNERBES


This project, which brings together a pharmacy, doctors' surgeries (general practitioner, physiotherapist, osteopath, dentist, nurses, etc.) and 14 new homes (10 of which will be retained by the Commune), was part of the current Mayor's 2014 election program, on a less sensitive site than previously, between the school and the multi-purpose hall.

As a matter of principle, the association wished to support this project while making its voice heard. Indeed, the proposed architecture was so urban (Photo 2) and so blatantly contravened the rules of the PLU that the association lodged an appeal in 2016 against the building permit.
Following negotiations with the Town Hall, this appeal was not turned into a legal dispute.

We agreed on essential modifications for the association, such as compliance with the PLU, degressive bay heights... (Photo 1).

A Permis de Construire Modificatif was filed, confirming these modifications.
Construction work began in September 2017 and was completed in 2019.

It has to be said that the Mayor's objective of housing families with children to populate the school is a failure, with the housing being occupied more by elderly people attracted by the proximity of doctors and the pharmacy..

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