Protégeons MÉNERBES


At the association's request in 2017, the Mayor kindly reopened the village's classification file, interrupted in 2014. The creation of this perimeter was definitively voted by the Municipal Council on July 2, 2019.

We can only congratulate and thank the municipal team. Known as AVAP (Aire de mise en valeur de l'architecture et du patrimoine) after succeeding ZPPAUP, this designation has now been renamed "Site Patrimonial Remarquable".

This is an additional level of regulation compared with the PLU, which will enable the Architecte des Bâtiments de France (ABF) to be more demanding.

This involves an extra degree of regulation on top of the PLU, which allows the French Buildings Architect (ABF) to be more demanding. Note that 2 of our "pet projects" of recent years have now been ratified:

     the use of natural lime rendering.
     The ban on boundary walls in agricultural zones.

The results over the last few years have been mixed, with the ABF and building inspectors issuing opinions and authorizations which, in our opinion, do not respect the basic rules of the SPR.

This is illustrated by the 2 appeals currently underway (Projet Crédit Agricole and Ancienne Mairie). Documents available for consultation on the : La Mairie/Urbanisme/AVAP

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